Getting Over Overeating for Teens
Written for teens who struggle with overeating, binge eating, or body image, Getting Over Overeating uses an integrated approach that includes mindfulness, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), and intuitive eating. Parents and health professionals can also utilize the language and activities to help the adolescents they are concerned about. Readers will come to better understand the root causes of overeating and learn skills such as emotion regulation, assertive communication, moderate eating, and how to handle cravings. Most importantly, they will find healthier ways to fill up and apply what they’ve learned to live a happier and more balanced life.
Health Professionals: Earn CE Units by reading this book.
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Reviews for Getting Over Overeating for Teens
“Wachter offers sound information from a variety of approaches and addresses the core issues of feelings, food, body image, and much more. Written in language that is easy to understand and insightful for girls and boys, this workbook is terrifically practical. It is the best resource I’ve ever seen on this subject for teens.”
– Leigh Cohn, MAT, CEDS, editor-in-chief of Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, and coauthor of a dozen books related to eating disorders
“In a language appealing to teens, Andrea Wachter has created a book that can help readers navigate their way through the challenges of adolescence, without turning to food. Teens will relate to the catchy titles of chapters and thought-provoking exercises, which can motivate them to deeply explore their emotions and strengthen their coping mechanisms. This workbook is a must-have for professionals treating teens and for the teens themselves.”
– Elyse Resch, MS, RDN, CEDRD, coauthor of Intuitive Eating and Intuitive Eating Workbook
“You can rediscover a mindful and joyful relationship with food, your body, and your feelings. Give yourself the gift of self-compassion, and learn to listen to your body’s inner wisdom again. This book will show you how.”
– Dzung Vo, MD, specialist in adolescent medicine, and author of The Mindful Teen
Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Breaking The “I Feel Fat” Spell
This book is for kids who struggle with body image. Included is a fairy tale about a “Mirror Witch” who puts a spell on children, getting them to hate their bodies. There are 22 chapters, or “Spell Breakers,” which empower kids to question and change
their thinking while learning how to love their bodies and break the “I Feel Fat” Spell. While this book was written for kids, we have also discovered that many adults are finding it to be extremely helpful, if not life-changing.
Health Professionals: Earn CE Units by reading this book.
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Use the code Andrea2016 for $38 off an unlimited CE package or Marsea2016 for $10 off any single course!
Reviews for Mirror, Mirror on the Wall
“Describing a problem is easy; coming up with creative and effective solutions is the real challenge. With a foundation of one deceptively simple metaphor, Wachter and Marcus build a book for young people that is almost all solution. But kids aren’t the only beneficiaries here. Adults with body image problems would be wise to learn the ‘Spell Breakers’ in this book.”
– Thom Rutledge, co-author of Life Without Ed, author of The Self-Forgiveness Handbook
“In Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Breaking the “I Feel Fat” Spell, Wachter and Marcus have created a great offering for an important population. Mirror, Mirror seeks to soothe self-doubt and body image anxiety in kids before they fall prey to disordered eating. The authors talk to the reader in a direct manner that cultivates educated understanding while also encouraging self-reflection and healthier thinking. Just as crucially, they help adults interact with kids using kid-friendly language and concepts. This is an upbeat, solution-oriented book that will make a positive impact on kids and parents alike.”
– Dr. Lucie Hemmen, author of Parenting a Teen Girl and The Teen Girl’s Survival Guide
“Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Breaking the “I Feel Fat” Spell brings new insight to an issue that is becoming more and more confusing and heartbreaking for parents and kids. The authors speak with families and not at them. Each ‘Spell Breaker’ gives parents the tools they need to work with their kids and help them develop the self-esteem they deserve. Kids don’t have to suffer in silence and parents don’t have to feel powerless. I think this book will be a life changer for many families.”
– Marci Warhaft-Nadler, author of The Body Image Survival Guide for Parents
The Don’t Diet Live-It! Workbook
This unique workbook is full of in-depth information, moving personal stories, and insightful writing exercises to help people understand and resolve their food, weight, and body issues. Individuals and groups, world-wide, are using The Don’t Diet, Live-It Workbook as a healing guide, and now you can too!
Health Professionals: Earn CE Units by reading this book. Click here
Use the code Andrea2016 for $38 off an unlimited CE package or Marsea2016 for $10 off any single course!
Reviews for Don’t Diet, Live-it!
“The Don’t Diet, Live-It Workbook contains so much insight, compassion and guidance to help women of all ages on their journeys to establish a healthy relationship with food and their bodies. A must read!”
– Debra Waterhouse, MPH, RD, author of Like Mother, Like Daughter: How Women are Influenced by Their Mother’s Relationship with Food — and How to Break the Pattern
“Having reviewed a lot of books like this one, The Don’t Diet, Live-It Workbook is one of the clearest, most practical and useful books I’ve ever seen.”
– Eric Schoeck, radio interviewer, author and events coordinator
“The Don’t Diet, Live-It Workbook offers a refreshing approach to becoming your ideal weight while healing related issues in the process. Participating in the exercises is like attending an in-depth workshop. The true-to-life experiences and insights offered are extremely valuable and apply to all areas of life. I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting to delve deep within and remove blockages to self acceptance. Andrea Wachter and Marsea Marcus give openly of themselves by sharing intimate details of their processes and struggles to recovery. With this self-help book the reader could easily achieve the goals outlined and have more compassion with themselves regarding their food and body issues.”
– Carol Sun, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist